"You are not connected to the Internet. Please check your Internet connection." Windows Store Apps when using rdp

I have a Mac Mini that I use to remote to my Windows PC. I use ONLY a switch to connect my Mac Mini to my Windows PC and use RDP to connect to it. (I have a dual monitor setup). I also use Wireless as my internet which works great when sitting in front of the machine. When I try to open certain Windows Apps while RDP is in session, I get "You are not connected to the Internet. Please check your Internet connection." I'm pretty sure it's because It's detecting the Ethernet is plugged in and it's design is to try and use that for internet. Is there any way to tell these apps to use my wireless instead?

BTW the store apps work fine when I walk over and login. But not as productive as having my Mac setup with 2 monitors and switch back and fourth. Some apps work like the Windows Store, music, Onedrive. These apps work no matter what. News, sports, weather, Health and Fitness, Money don't work. Any Ideas?

-Jon Morris

January 29th, 2015 10:54pm

Some apps work like the Windows Store, music, Onedrive. These apps work no matter what. News, sports, weather, Health and Fitness, Money don't work. Any Ideas?

Try the apps troubleshooter?  I think you have to download it...



Good luck

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January 31st, 2015 1:25am

Found my answer. 

1. Opened a Command Prompt
2. Typed "Route Print" and viewed my routing table
3. Typed "Route change -p MASK METRIC 4 IF 4"
4. I typed 4 because that was the interface of my wireless card, it was originally set at 2 which is my Lan NIC.
5. Rebooted and my apps started working with RDP using LAN :D

February 3rd, 2015 5:38am

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